14 May 2022 ↑ "World Thalassemia Day" was Celebrated by RRC and NSS Departments under the able guidance of Principal Dr. Reena Talwar. Miss Gurpriya Saini gave lecture on the topic and explained in detail about “Thalassemia”- an inherited disorder caused due to mutation in DNA, as a result a person suffers from haemolytic anaemia i.e loss of healthy RBC’s in bloodstream as body is unable to form a protein haemoglobin in body and also gave tips to cure this disorder by providing less iron diet to the patients and regular blood transfusions may help a person to cope up with daily blood loss.
She further told that healthy diet and regular exercise can help patients in curing this disorder.Principal Madam appreciated efforts of all the NSS Program officers and thanked Miss Gurpriya Saini for creating awareness about this disease .