Designation - Principal
Department - Education
Qualification - Ph.D, M.Phill, NET with JRF, NET,SLET,SET
Email -
Experience - 25+ Years
Area of Specialization - Education , NEP, History (Modern) , Teaching of Education
1) Published a Research paper on “Work deviance and job performance” in
online journal of advanced Nutritional and Health Science with ISSN No.23485140 in 2014.
Published a Research paper on “Listening skills & Leadership
Qualities among pupil teachers” in online journal of AMIERJ, with ISSN No. 2278-5655
in 2015.
Published a Research paper on “Education for peace
and happiness” in Researcher’s Tandem with ISSN No. 2230-8806 in 2015.
Published a Research paper on “Impact of parents teacher meeting on the
performance of Perspective teachers with ISSN No. 2272-8721 in 2015.
Published a Research paper on “Nirmala Saint Baba Bhag Singh of
DeraSantpurajabbar” in journal of Vidyawarta
with ISSN No. 23199318 in 2018.
Published a Research paper on “Poverty Reduction Schemes In Shopian : A
Case Study” in journal of International journal of Arts, Management &
Humanities with ISSN No. 2319-5231 in 2019.
Published a Research paper on “Role of Panchayats in implementations of
MNREGA rural Areas- A Case Study of Anantnag District J&K” in journal of
Naveen ShodhSanskar with ISSN No. 2320-8767, E-ISSN No. 2394-3793 in 2019.
Published a Research paper on “Assessment of Scenerio and Problems of
Diversified Crop Apple in District Pulwama of J&K with ISSN No. 2320-8787,
E-ISSN NO. 2394-3793 IN 2018.
Published a Research paper on “Mathematical Creativity Among Students of
10th standard of Secondary School” in journal of Ayushi
International Interdisciplinary research journal (AIIRJ) with ISSN No. 2349-638x in 2019.
10) Published a Research paper on “Creative Thinking Skills: A Powerful
Weapon for Academic Success in Contemporary
India” in journal ofAyushi International Interdisciplinary research
journal (AIIRJ) with ISSN No. 2349-638x.
11) Published a Research paper on “Impact of social networking sites on
students Academic achievement In Present Scenario” in journal of Ayushi
International Interdisciplinary research journal (AIIRJ) with ISSN No. 2349-638x in 2019.
12) Published a Research paper on “Philosophical Perspectives of Nirmala
Sect” in journal of QJMS with ISSN No. 0047-8555 in 2022.
13) Published a Research paper on “Contriving Research Ethics While
Standardizing Research Tool” in journal of International Journal of Creative
Research Thoughts(IJCRT) with ISSN No. 2320-2882
in 2022.
14) Published a Research paper on “Impact of E-Learning on Science
achievement of 6thgrade science students” in journal of MuktShabd
Journal with ISSN No. 2347-3150.
15) Published a Research paper on “Guru Nanak DevJias the PioneerNirmalaReformer”
in journal of the Gujarat Research Society with ISSN No. 0347-8588 in 2019.
16) Published a Research paper on “Poverty Alleviation Programs in J&K in
International journal of Research of Social Sciences with ISSN No. 2249-2496 in
17) Published a Research paper on “Impact Of Online Learning On Science Achievement
of 9th Grade Science Students” in journal of Humanities and Social Science
Studies with ISSN No. 2319-829X in 2023.
18) Published a Research paper on “The Conundrum of Gender Type of School :
Assessment Reflection Transformational Leadership” in journal of CPJ Law
Journal with ISSN No. 0976-3562 in 2024.
19) Published a Research paper on ”Comparative study of value level of student
teachers and working teachers” in Indian Journal of Psychometry and Education
with ISSN No. 0378-1003 in 2012.
20) Published a Research paper on “Inculcation of self Evaluationskills
among pupil teachers” in journal of ShikshanAnweshik with ISSN No. 22311386 in 2013.
21) Published a Research paper on “World Peace and values” in International journal
of advanced peace and GandhianStudies in 2015.
22) Published a Research paper on “Gandhi’s views about Education and
teachers” in International journal of advanced peace and Gandhian Studies,
(Cloud Publication) IJAPGS in 2015.
23) Published a Research paper on “Information on Global challenges to
Higher Education” in journal of IJALIS with ISSN No. 2348-5167 in 2015.
24) Published a Research paper on “Information on Transparency in Higher Education” in journal of IJALIS with ISSN No. 2348-5167 in 2015.
25) Published a Research paper on “Relevance of Gandhian Philosophy” in journal of IJAPGS in 2015.
1) Published a Book “A Pursuit For Excellence/ Pupil Teacher’ Writing skills in relation to their Creative Thinking” by SG Publisher with ISBN No. 978-81-924203-2-5 in 2013.
2) Published a Book “A Pursuit For Excellence/Impact of Home Environment on value level of Student Teachers” by SG Publisher with ISBN No. 978-81-924203-2-5 in 2013.
3) Published a Book “A Pursuit For Excellence/Students’ Participation in Quality Sustenance in teacher education institution by SG Publisher with ISBN No. 978-81-924203-2-5 in 2013.
4) Published a Book “Resurgence of Education: An effort towards quality culture in Education” with ISBN No. 978-81-929196-0 in 2013.
5) Published a Book “Religion, the impetus of Modern Society/Sikh dharamteManukhta da Sankalp” with ISBN No. 978-93—85447-228 in 2016.
6) Published a Book “Social Justice and Empowerment in India- Issues- Challenges Strategies” with ISBN No. 978-93—85447-228 in 2016.
7) Published a Book “Ethical Concerns for Research in Teacher Education” with ISBN No. 9789385503-337 in 2016.
8) Published a Book “A Pursuit for Excellence/Need to improve the rattling status of teaching of English” with ISBN No. 978-81-924203-2-5 in 2013.
9) Published a Book “Shadows of Modern Multi disciplinary Research/Educational Trajectories and socio-religious movements in Punjab” with ISBN No. 978-81-961028-5-2 in 2023.
10) Published a Book “Shadows of Modern Multi disciplinary Research/Satisfaction and problems of special teachers and teaching children with mental retardation and multiple disabilities” with ISBN No. 978-81-961028-5-2 in 2023.
11) Published a Book “E-Literacy of mentors and instruction approaches during Covid-19: a reference to National Education Policy” with ISBN No. 978-81-961028-5-2 in 2023.
12) Published a Book “Harnessing one earth, one family one future: Role of Indian Diaspora/ Literary contributions of the Nirmala Sect” with ISBN No. 978-93-88490-32-0 in 2024.
13) Published a Book “Innovations in Education/Educational Communications and Technology” by New Delhi Publisher with ISBN No. 978-81-93037992-7in 2015.
14) Published a Book “Professionalism in Education/Teacher in multiculture Class Room” by New Delhi Publisher with ISBN No. in 2020.
· Published paper on “Invigorating Teacher Education Through Total Quality Management” with ISBN No. 978-81-924203-2-5 in 2013.
· Published a Book “Proficiency of English” by SG Publisher with ISBN No. 978-93-83911-46-2.
· One candidate got awarded degree in Ph.D. on 13th March,2023.
· One candidate submitted thesis in Ph.D on 27th June, 2024.
· One candidate got M.Phill /PG Dissertation.
· Merit Award by H.P. Board of School Education on March,1987.
· SammanPatr by HimutkrshSahityaSanskritiAvam Jan KalyanParishad, Unna, H.P.
1) Paper Presentation on
the topic “Quality Control In Teacher Education” in National level at BCM
College of Education Ludhiana and Punjab in 2005.
2) Paper Presentation on
“Impact of Self-Empowerment on Women” in National level at Malwa Central College
Of Education” in 2005.
3) Paper Presentation on
“Regionalism in politics” in National level at SDAMCollege,Dinanagar in 2007.
4) Participation as a Resource
Person in “Seminar on Deteriorating Moral Values in Higher Education” in
National Level at SDAMCollege,Dinanagar in 2009.
5) Participation as a
Delegate in Seminar on the topic “RTI Act, 2005” in National Level at SDAMCollege,Dinanagar
in 2005.
6) Participation as a
Delegate in UGC Sponsored “Seminar on Freedom Struggle of India”in National
levelat SDAM College, Dinanagarin 2007.
7) Paper Presentation on
“Role of Teacher” at Mehar Chand College of Education National Punjab in 2009.
8) Paper Presentation on
“Need to improve status of teaching of English” in National Level at Thakur PG
College of Education in DhaliaraKangra, H.P.
9) Paper
Presentation on “Integrated Self” in National Level at SBBSIE Jalandhar, Punjab
in 2010.
10) Paper Presentation on “Ambedkar-A Visionary Leader”
in National Level at SDAMCollegeDinanagarin 2010.
11) Paper Presentation on “Ethics Base of Profession”
in National Level at GPC AlourKhanna in 2014.
12) Paper Presentation on “Global Challenges to Higher”
in National Level at AICP Conference Mysore in 2011.
13) Paper Presentation on “Transparency in Higher Education” in National
Level at AICP Conference in GOA, on 22nd Feb, 2013.
14) Seminar on the topic “Stress Management in Vedas” attended as a
Delegate/Resource Personin National Level at SDAM College Dinanagar in 2014.
15) Paper Presentation on the topic“NCTE 2014 norms at a glance”in National
Level at KCE Amritsar in 2014.
16) Paper Presentation on the topic “Teacher Education and its challenge’s”
in National Level at Kamla Nehru College of Education in 2011.
17) UGC Sponsored College Level Seminar attended as a Deligate on
“Electricity Conductive Plastic” at SDAM College, Dinanagar in 2012.
18) Paper Presentation on the topic “Leadership Qualities” in National Level
at Veer Narmad South Gujrat University and AICP at Surat in 2012.
19) National Seminar attended as a Resource Person on the topic “Relevance
of Models” at GPC Education GovindgarhMandi in 2014.
20) National Seminar attended as a Resource Person on the topic “Relationship
between Listening & Leadership Qualities” at G.N.College of Education for
Women in 2014.
21) Paper Presentation on the topic “Foreign Policy of India Continuity” at
SDAM College,Dinanagar in 2015.
22) National Seminar attended as a Resource Person on the topic “Upcoming
Trends in IT” at SDAM College, Dinanagar in 2015.
23) International Conference of the learning community attended as a
Resource Person on the topic “Educational Communication and Technology” at Sant
Baba Bhag Singh Institute of Education, Jalandhar in 2015.
24) National level Seven Days Workshop attended as a resource person on the
topic “Lesson Plan Based on Value Education” at Innocent Hearts college of Education,
Jalandhar in 2016.
25) A National Seminar on the topic “Post Impacts of Green Revolution in
Punjab: A socio-economic& PoliticalOverview”
at GPC AlourGovindgarhMandi, Punjab on 2nd March 2019.
26) International Conference attended as a Resource Person on the topic “Values
and Ethical Issues in Education” at Ramgarhiya College of Education, Phagwara
International on 3-4th March in 2015.
27) National Paper Presentation on the topic “Sustainable development of
transgender in India” at Central UniversityBhatinda Punjab in 2016.
28) International (within country) Paper Presentation on the topic “Research
Linked with social and economic needs: Need of the hour” at Lovely Professional
University, Phagwara in 2016.
29) International (Within country) Paper Presentation on the topic “Teacher
Education: New Trends” at Partap College of Education, Ludhiana in 2016.
30) International (within country) Paper Presentation on the topic “Teacher
Educators to discover their Learning Preferences” at Partap College of
Education, Ludhiana in 2016.
31) International (within country) Paper Presentation on the topic “Professional
Preparation of Teachers and TeacherEducators” at Partapcollege of education,
Ludhiana in 2016.
32) Two days National Seminar on the topic “Changing Prospective of teacher
education and NCTE Regulation 2014” at MDU Rohtak, India in 2016.
33) National Seminar on Sikhism and concept of
Humanity on the topic “Religion and Human Being” at GNKCDrolliKalan, Jalandhar
in 2016.
34) National seminar on Pedagogy of teacher education:
Possibilities and Challenges on the topic “Value Based Curriculum Transaction”
at DAV College of Education, Hoshiarpur in 2017.
35) One Day National Seminar on Teacher Education on
the topic of “Innovative Pursuits and Classroom teaching” at Minerva College of
Education, Indora HP in 2018.
36) Paper Presentation on the topic “Innovation in classroom” atDeptt. Of Education,
Punjab University on 20-21 Feb, 2018.
37) International Paper Presentation on the Topic “NirmalaSampardaya” at
Sant Baba Bhag Singh.
38) International Paper Presentation on the Topic “New Historicism and
Nirmala” at Sant Baba Bhag Singh in 2020.
39) International Paper Presentation on the Topic “Philosophy of Nirmala
Sect” at Sant Baba Bhag Singh in 2020.
40) International Paper Presentation on the Topic “Moral Values in Teaching”
at Pratap College Ludhiana in 2020.
41) National Paper Presentation on the topic “Role of
Nirmala Patriotic Saints in Indian Freedom struggle” at Punjabi University,
Patiala in 2022.
42) Seven Days Workshop on Faculty Development through visions, values and Soft Skills attended as a Resource Person on the topic “Educational Etiquettes” at Ramgarhia College of Education, Ramgarhia in 2017.
1) Chapter Entitled
Pupil Teacher’ writing skills in relation to their Creative Thinking in a
book “APursuit for Excellence” by SG Publisher with ISBN No. 978-81-924203-2-5
in 2013.
2) Chapter Entitled
Impact of Home environmenton value level of student teachers
in a book “A Pursuit for Excellence” by SG Publisher with ISBN No.
978-81-924203-2-5 in 2013.
3) Chapter Entitled
Students’ in Quality Sustenance in teacher education institution participation
in a book “A Pursuit for Excellence” by SG Publisher with ISBN No.
978-81-924203-2-5 in 2013.
4) Chapter Entitled A
Study of correlation between intelligence and speaking skills in English
Language among pupil teachers in a book “Resurgence of Education: An effort
towards quality culture in Education” by National Publisher with ISBN No.
978-81-92919-6-0 in 2013.
5) Chapter Entitled Sikh
DharamteManukhta da Sankalpin a book “Religion, the impetus of Modern society”
by National Publisher with ISBN No. 978-93-84306-94-6 in 2016.
6) Chapter EntitledExploring
Educational and employment opportunities for Transgender community in India
in a book “Social Justice and Empowerment in India – Issues-Challenges
Strategies” by National Publisher with ISBN No. 978-93-85447-228 in 2016.
7) Chapter Entitled Teacher
Education in 21stCenturyin a book “Ethical Concerns
for Research in Teacher Education” by National Publisher with ISBN No. 9789385503-337
in 2016.
8) Chapter Entitled Need
to improve the rattling status of teaching of English in a
book “A Pursuit for Excellence” by National Publisher with ISBN No.
978-81-924203-2-5 in 2013.
9) Chapter Entitled
Educational Trajectories and socio-religious movements in Punjab
in a book “Shadows of Modern Multi disciplinary Research” by National Publisher
with ISBN No. 978-81-961028-5-2 in 2023.
10) Chapter Entitled Satisfaction and problems of special teachers and
teaching children with mental retardation and multiple in a
book “Shadows of Modern Multi disciplinary Research” by National Publisher with
ISBN No. 978-81-961028-5-2 in 2023.
11) Chapter EntitledE-Lietracy of mentors
and Instruction approaches during Covid-19: a reference to National
Education Policy in a book “Shadows of Modern Multi disciplinary Research” by National Publisher with ISBN No.
978-81-961028-5-2 in 2023.
12) Chapter Entitled Literacy contributions of the NirmalaSect in a book “Harnessing
one earth , one family one future: Role of Indian Diaspora” by National
Publisher with ISBN No. 978-93-88490-32-0 in 2024.
13) Chapter Entitled Educational Communications and Technology in a book “Innovations
in Education” by New Delhi Publisher with ISBN No. 978-81-930379-92-7 in 2015.
14) Chapter Entitled Teacher in multiculture classroom in a book “Professionalism
in Education” by New Delhi Publisher with ISBN No. 978-93-88879-78-1 in 2020.