College Principal, Dr. Reena Talwar after welcoming the guest with her refined oration, presented the Annual Report of the college. While discussing the achievements of the college in various areas like Academics, Sports, Cultural and Innovation, she mentioned that *13 students* of this sacred institution got *first positions in the University*. She added that the *first 10 University positions* were bagged by the *71 students* and total of *104 students* took the *University Merit Positions*. After giving an overview of the brilliant achievements of the staff, she expressed her firm views that the college is committed to provide the best educational environment to the girls so that they can excel in their lives. Chief Guest, Dr. Anish K Dua motivated the students by giving his speech on never ending determination and the belief of never giving up on anything in life.
Swami Sadanand ji also addressed the students and talked about the contribution of the alumni of the institution on national and international levels. Prizes were distributed to 10 merit holder students in University, Meritorious students of college, best performers of the Youth Festival, the best NCC cadets, best duty performers of the college, UG and PG head girls. On this occasion, student Palak Sharma was awarded with the title of the ' Best Marshal ', Zinnia with the ' Best Shooter', Priyanka with the ' Best Cadet', Chahat with the 'Best Singer', Kiranpreet with the ' Best Painter', Rishu with the 'Best Actress', Saloni with the best in photography and Chetna with the 'Best Girl'. Both Chetna and Bhupinder Kaur were awarded with certificates of UG and PG Head Girls respectively. The stage was conducted by Dr. Neenu Sharma. In this event, Mr. Bhupinder Singh, Director of SSGI, Mr. Kunwar Vikki, Principal, Mr. Jaskaran Singh, Principal, Mrs. Upama Mahajan, Mr. Naval Mahajan, Mr. Vishal Gupta, Mr. Rajinder Saini, Mr. Rajat Gupta and Mr. Ramesh Sarangal were present.