N.S.S. & Science Departments of Shanti Devi Arya Mahila College, Dinanagar observed “ World TB Day on 24th March. Theme of World TB Day 2022 is 'Invest to End TB. Save Lives.
Principal Dr. Reena Talwar told that each year this annual event commemorates the date in 1882 when Dr. Robert Koch announced his discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacillus that causes tuberculosis (TB), which opened the way towards diagnosing and curing this disease. World TB Day is a day to educate the public about the impact of TB around the world. During this day NSS volunteers (Sukhmanpreet, Riya Saini, Harshdeep, Manisha and Nitika) from Science department, threw light upon tuberculosis and made other students aware about various causes, symptoms and control measures of this disease. The theme of this year conveys the urgent need to invest resources to ramp up the fight against TB and achieve the commitments to end TB made by global leaders. This is especially critical in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. More investment will save millions more lives, accelerating the end of the TB epidemic.