The event was commenced with the traditional lighting of the lamp. Principal Dr. Sarla Nirankari and secretary Mr. Dharm Indu Gupta warmly welcomed the chief guest and the guest of honour. The stage, expertly managed by Dr. Anjana Malhotra, witnessed the convergence of intellectual prowess and enthusiasm. Dr. Harjinder Singh Bedi (ADC Gurdaspur), in his address to the students, said that students should be focused in life and not be tempted by temptations. Mr. Jaspinder Singh said that his focus is on empowering and uplifting rural communities, aligning with his roots and values. He views the civil services as a platform to impact lives positively and seeks intellectual satisfaction in public service. Madam Principal thanked the worthy guests and honored them with souvenirs. This National Youth Day at Shanti Devi Arya Mahila College Dinanagar transcended the ordinary, leaving an indelible mark on the minds of the attendees. It wasn’t just an event; it was a catalyst for empowering futures.